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Doodlebugger Directory 

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The letters above provide a hyperlink to the initial letter of the surname of the person you are attempting to find. The bold letter at the heading of each group of names will return you to the top of the listing. The small envelope will open up an e-mail for you to contact that person.

If you do not find the name of the person who you are looking for please let Doodlebugger know and a message will be placed requesting contact details for that person. Someone, somewhere will probably have the details.

The codes used to identify the companies that people have worked for is listed on the right hand side of the page.


Surname First name Nickname Companies worked for E-mail
Parker Joe   GP, SLB

Parry John   CS, WG, CGG, CGGV, PGS
Phillips Peter Slim WG, WGCo

Porteous Stuart   WG, WGCo, NCS
Posey Dan   WG, I/O, WGCo
Prior Keith   WG, WGCo
Purchio Cesar   GP, WGCo

Rattray Roland Rat WG, WGCo, SBEXP

Reitz Larry   WG, WGCo
Remillong Paul   WG, BH, WGCo
Roberts Phil   CS, NCS, WG
Rupert Jeff   WG, WGCo
Ryberg Richard Slippery Dick SD, WG, G-N, GECO
Salazar Joe   WG, WGCo

Sanderson Mike   WG, SEI
Scott Gary   PGS
Shaver Shaun SRS WG, WGCo
Sherry Mark   WG, WGCo
Shorey Mark   WG, WGCo
Simpfenderfer Lane   WG
Sims Chris   WG, TD, Horizon, Geco, GP, WGCo, Hydrosearch, ECL
Sims Curtis & Holli   WG, WGCo
Somerville Gary   WG, WGCo
Sparkes Rob Sparky WG, WGCo, SlbSema
Spoto Tom   WG, WGCo
Steel Maurice   WG, WGCo
Steinhaus Robert   WG, WGCo, CGG
Stewart Charlie   WG, WGCo, VDGC
Sullivan Mark   WG, WGCo
Thompson James   GP, WGCo

Thomson Jeff   WG, WGCo
Trotter Tommy   WG


The names and contact details that are given here have been placed under the permission of the individual named. Details cannot and will not be placed of anyone who has not requested that their details be shown. If your details change and you require them updating or deleting please forward an e-mail to doodlebugger@doodlebugger.info.

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  Company Codes

AS                         Aero Service

BH                        Baker Hughes

CGG            Compagnie Generale de Geophysique

CGGV            CGGVeritas

CS                         Coastal Survey

FGT                     Fugri Geoteam

G                        Geco

GF                         Gulf Fleet

G-N                       Grant-Norpac

GP                          Geco Prakla

Gs                           Geosource

GSI             Geophysical Services Incorporated

HGS             Halliburton Geophysical Services

HLI                     Harvey Lynch Inc.

HZN             Horizon

I/O                        Input / Output

MGC             Multiwave Geophysical Company

MxP                     Marine Exploration Partners

PAS                       Petro Alliance

PGeo                  Peak Geo

PGS                Petroleum Geo Services

POLSA             Professional Offshore Limited S/A

PR                           Petty Ray

Rees                       Rees Oil & Gas Services

Rogers            Rogers

RPS                     RPS Energy

RXT                     Reservoir Exploration Technology

SA                          Saudi Aramco

SBEXP                        SeaBird Exploration

SD                          Seiscom Delta

TD                          Teldyne

TGSN               TGS Nopec

VDGC                    Veritas DGC Inc.

WFI                     Wavefield Inseis

WG                         Western Geophysical

WGCo        WesternGeco