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Useful Information

This page will provide links to some websites of a general nature that have an association with the Oil and Gas Industry or Maritime connections.


Equasis aims at collecting and disseminating quality and safety-related information on the world’s merchant ships provided to it by holders of such information. Equasis displays information from public authorities and industry organisations. The whole list of the present providers is available under the menu 'Providers'. Only factual information is displayed in Equasis. Ship characteristics and ship management information are the two main parts of a ship record.


MRCC Links  
Alphabetical, by city/port, listing of Inmarsat Marine Rescue Coordination Centres
Listing of links and names of Coast Guards and other maritime rescue organisations globally.


Flight Tracker  
Link to Galileo's Flight tracker page. Find reliable up to the minute FAA details of a flight, including ETD, ETA, direction, speed the flight is travelling and the altitude the flight is at.


View Trip  
Link to With your surname and flight locator number you can view your flight details on line or forward them by e-mail to a friend.


World Energy and Economic Atlas

Charts with historical data show: production, reserves, consumption, imports and exports.
An outline is also given for each country highlighting: economic growth rates, population, inflation, life expectancy, per capita energy consumption and more.



Xearth renders a shaded image of the earth on your desktop, as seen from your favourite vantage point in space. By default, the image is updated every five minutes according to the current position of the sun. Has the ability to show earthquakes in near real time.


Mail Preference Services  
Some consumers would like to receive less advertising mail at home. The Mail Preference Service (MPS) is designed to assist those consumers in decreasing the amount of national non-profit or commercial mail they receive at home.


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