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Seismic Companies

This page will provide links to some of the major Seismic Companies, Oilfield Service Companies and Oil Companies.

Seismic Companies

|   WesternGeco   |  Veritas DGC Inc  |   PGS   |   CGG   |   MGC   |

Other seismic related companies and institutions:

The British Antarctic Survey
The British Antarctic Survey (BAS) is responsible for almost all of the British Government's scientific research in the Antarctic, South Georgia, and the South Sandwich Islands.

Input/Output Inc
Input/Output is the world's leading supplier of hardware and software for land, marine and transition zone 2D, 3D and 4D reservoir imaging using geophysical techniques.

Geological and reservoir engineering; United Kingdom.

Global provider of non-exclusive seismic data and associated products to the oil and gas industry.

Geophysical products; USA.

C&C Technologies Inc
C&C specializes in multibeam hydrographic and hi-res geophysical surveys catering to the Oil & Gas and government agency sectors. C&C operates an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle capable of surveying to 3,000m of water.

DigiMap is a full service Geographic Information System (GIS) firm which offers a complete range of products and services to enable the cost-effective capture, display and synthesis of spatial information.

Supplier of range of high-tech, integrated geophysical equipment.

Gardline Surveys Limited
An independent international company performing hydrographic and marine geophysical surveys worldwide.

GRANT Geophysical Inc
Provides land and transition zone seismic services with experience in over 100 countries and most major oil and gas provinces in the world.

Offshore oil exploration company providing a wide range of geophysical services including seismic data acquisition, radio navigation, data processing and interpretation.

Provider of offshore survey services including high precision positioning systems; hydrographic, geotechnical, geophysical & geodetic surveying; environmental services and ROVs.

Fugro / SESL Geomatics Ltd
SESL Geomatics is a member of the Fugro group of companies with 170 offices in 40 countries around the world. Working in the oil and gas industry for 20 years, performing wellsite, pipeline contruction and as-built surveys as well as mining surveys. SESL is based in Calgary AB and works throughout Canada and the USA utlilizing leading edge technology.

Hydrosearch Associates Ltd
The Hydrosearch Group offers best-in-class consultancy services across a wide range of disciplines critical to the Petroleum, Cables, Civil Engineering and Minerals Industries.


Oilfield Service Companies

Schlumberger   |   Halliburton   |   Baker Hughes   |

Oil Majors

ExxonMobil, TotalFinaElf, Statoil, NorskeHydro, ConocoPhillips,Texaco,BP,Amerada Hess, Vanco, Vaalco, Woodside,

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